I can't help but compare Ed's case to mine. In Ed's case, I think he was administered a sudden lacerating wound that needed immediate attention and intervention. Whereas for me, I feel as if I endured a more "death by a thousand cuts" level of punishment. One could go on all day on which one of us was dealt the worse hand, but I'll say this, surviving a death by a thousand cuts is a hell of a thing. Not easy. I'll also say that the idea of actually harming myself over any of this was never an option I considered. By the time Schmaylor reared her head in 2016, I was an old hand at this bullshit, and I was ready.
I encourage anyone reading this post to check out the above YouTube video. After my viewing of it, I honestly don't feel as if I owe any woman in my world romantic attention at this time. That would go double for anyone I associate in any way with Schmaylor. For whatever reason I decide to beg off of any situation that may or may not exist between myself and anyone in my world, I have the right to beg off. I have the right to be all wrong about such a person. That's it.