The play I'm talking about fielding concerns the former cashier, and how these young women tried to come off as her stand-ins in my world, all the while this former cashier probably has a boyfriend, and so these mean girls were subtly leading me on with this posture they assumed. This is all about reading between the lines of how they came across. I know it doesn't sound like much, what all they were actually doing, but there you are. I fielded this game fine, and I now have some breathing room and some wriggle room as far as how to go about figuring out my next series of moves.
I've decided to forgive these girls for their trespass against me, Again, the game they played was subtle, but I perceived it. Subtle, feminine. I can best detect these kinds of games if I have my "systems" turned down low and just observe those in my world around me. Anyway, yeah, I'll forgive them.
Now, let me be clear on what exactly I mean by forgiveness. To me, in these situations, forgiveness involves me laying down my burden of pain by the side of the road and then just moving further on down that road. This doesn't sound like much. It sounds simple. It is a properly uncomplicated way to view forgiveness, especially when I talk about the kind of "forgiveness" it's not. I am not forgiving these mean girls in hopes of getting something material in exchange from them. Material things can include friendship, love, dates, sex, and validation that I'm a great guy. That's not forgiveness. That's niceness.
Like the headline says, if I field this mean girl behavior from these young woman successfully only to turn around and try to cultivate a friendship with them, then who's the asshole? Well, that would make me the asshole. When I'm attracted to someone, I try to proceed with caution in whatever situation I find myself with them. The last thing I want to do is alienate someone I'm attracted to. These girls, in the way they acted towards me, let me know they had no substantial attraction to me at all, because they seemed to have little or no concern about alienating me. For me to turn around and try to make friends with them seems pretty stupid on my part.
I see these women in my world on a regular basis. I can be civil towards them, even somewhat friendly, but I'm not going to try to actually be friends with any of them. In a more perfect world than this one, I would very much like to be friends with them, but in this world, it doesn't seem to be something any of them ever wanted.