For the thirteenth track, if I do it, I will do a Mississippi John Hurt arrangement of a song idea that I tried years ago, but I didn't like how that song turned out, so I will try it with a new arrangement in another genre. I didn't like the idea of experimenting too much with the "Donkey OD" song, so we'll see how this next little experiment goes.
The idea is to write all the songs this Summer, rehearse in the Fall, and play open mikes in the Fall/Winter/Spring until I record it in May. The only open mike I ever played I got kicked out of, so we'll see how it goes.
The songs on this record mostly serve as relief, comic and otherwise, to the heavy stuff that I go over in my books. The books are only going to get heavier. I should be putting the very painful events in the next issue into a form that is ready for the inks by the time I record this record next May.
I plan on using Cris Burns' studio and engineering skills for this next record, same as the last one. It's about the only chance that I get to hang out with Cris. I find that as I get older I have to pay people to be my friend, for a while, more and more.