That said, I'm so grateful for all the women in my world who DO seem to get me on a level that I can appreciate. Soon enough I will attend a going away party at my intern job organized by the women I work with. The baristas at my coffee shops seem to get that I'm not coming into their place of employment on the make, and that they can give me discounts on coffee now and then and not have to worry about any willful misinterpretations of such gestures. I'm glad the very attractive young women at that grocery store now know enough to just leave me alone. I appreciate what some women at clubs might want to express to me when they say, "Thank you," to me in some sort of context that fits into that other, Richy Vegas world as well,
Whether this appreciation of what I have to offer the world extends to the realm of the Schmaylor Schmift types, well, I can't say that I can totally rule that out at this time. The truth will out on that front. I've come to care for this person I've never met, who I may never, ever meet, as well as that former cashier in that grocery store who so preoccupied me for these past several years. Yeah, I'd say that former cashier definitely didn't know what to make of me, didn't know what to do with me, and she may not be the last to feel that way about me, but I love her just the same, and I hope I expressed that sentiment to some extent towards her during that time. And while the Cone of Silence sits parked securely around us, I will say the same about Schmaylor Schmift, and I hope that she gets that I really tried to bring that same sentiment across to her over the years.