The book is coming along pretty well. I hope to finish at least sixteen or so more pages before this months is out. I approached the book a little different than I usually do. I outlined thirty-plus pages before beginning the fill-in phase. I hope to have this one done at the end of July by the latest.
I don't want to go on about the woman thing too much this week. I will say that I posted something several months ago that said something to the effect of; I hoped that no-one sees me as some big woman hater, and that I thought that my improved ability to take care of myself in the love and dating game would lead to a more fond, affectionate view of women overall than in previous times.
There's definitely women in my world that I am very fond of, though. I say that with some trepidation, because I remember, a couple of years ago, one young woman who seemed to react as if I was going to start obsessively stalking her after posts on this blog where I said something along the lines of: she's adorable, or that she might have an interest in me.