I was at a support group last night where I talked about how it's pointless to have resentment against publishers for rejecting my work, because the Indie Comics world has so many people vying for a deal that they can't possibly give one to everyone who "deserves" one. A top selling book might top out at around 300,000 copies in it's run before petering out. So, given that the field is top heavy with talent and the fact that the market is relatively small means that publishers are taking a big risk in giving a deal to anyone.
The two or three editions of Best American Comics (2015, 2016 and 2017) I've looked through had a lot of self-published creators in them. The book for this year had a guest editor that went out of his way to showcase self-published work, but the one from the previous year featured something like one if four creators that were self-published, along with the usual suspects. I'm sure some of the self-published creators had previous work that saw print somewhere, but I imagine a lot of others are mostly known through their self-published efforts.
I finished the inks on the lettering tonight. I have to make a few corrections on some of the pages, but I can start the final inks of the illustrations right away, and I hope to finish in three and a half months.
I want to try to sell some books at my gig at the Pocket Fishrman Fish Fry on June 2nd. It's the best gig I've landed by far in these past couple of years. It's on June 2nd, and I go on at 9:30- right after the Fishrman! I want to try to work on the album until then. I have three more tracks to record of the guitar and vocals. I'm going to add bass and percussion, but I don't want that to be some big time-consuming project. I hope to be ready for mixing and mastering by July, but I'll accept October or whatever, if it comes to that.