I'm going to get issue number 9 back from One Touch Point Ginny's on Tuesday. Just as I thought, with the departure of Mike Martin from Ginny's, I'm not going to get the same deal on printing. I will pay the same price to print up one hundred copies, but now the book is in black in white instead of blue and white. They have to use a color machine to print up the blue books, and they decided that that was too expensive. The book looks good in black and white, though, and I'm still getting a very good deal on printing.
I want this faze of production of issue number 10 to take no more than three months. If I put at least 17 or 18 days in a month for those three months, i will have put in more days on this faze in the first three months than I put in on issue number 9. I've completed the note card part, and it comes out to eighty pages. Next I will get a sketch book and transfer the notes to pages in the book. I use the sketch book to lay out the text, both in what I will actually write in the finished product and how it will come out on each page. Then I will put the text on the plates themselves. After that I will do work on the pencils faze of the illustrations. The final faze of this three month block of work will consist of inking the text. After these first three months I will spend, hopefully, only three months inking and finishing the illustrations for the final product.
I hope to put in a lot of time on the first three months and do the vast majority of my revisions on drawings in the pencils faze so I don't have to do much redrawing in the final inks faze.
After issue number 10 gets done, I will have two more issues of "The Consequences of Bringing Light." Then it's on to the projected seven issues of, "Richy Vegas, the Blind Assassin!"