I could be wrong. Maybe I've done so well at overcoming my problems with love addiction that I can finally, truly experience happiness without love. But I've been plenty happy for long periods of time for much of my life since I first made a commitment to take much better care of myself in October of 2001. Each successive decision I made led me to happier and happier places. First it was quitting smoking. Then, years later, it was quitting drugs and alcohol. Then it was reviving my experiment to "turn my back on love" in September, 2012. Is this time so different? It just might be.
Welp, I guess the moratorium on personal blog posts is over. Yeah, maybe I'll just wind up looking like an asshole in much the same way she made me look like an asshole after I reached out to her on October 22nd, 2021. Yes, that was sarcasm. Maybe the joke really is on me, again, this time as well. That's not sarcasm. I believe time and the course of succeeding events might provide a conclusive resolution to this current dilemma. So, yeah, maybe time will tell.