Last year a friend who is about my age was in a quandary about a very young woman that he'd hung out with a couple of times. She was very attractive and confident and, because she didn't put out for him right away like his girlfriends usually did, he was distressed that she would never put out for him and was indeed attempting to play him. Even though I am much less experienced with women, he wanted my input, because, more often than I'd like to admit, it's been about much younger women for me this last ten or fifteen years or so.
I thought about it for a bit and came back with this: for me it has gotten to a point where the age difference between myself and these young women is so vast that I just can't tell at all where they are really coming from. They could flirt with me from here to the moon and back and it would just go, 'ptshew', over my head.
And you know what, it was always that way when it came to woman that age, even when I was their age. They were just at a stage in life where the very attractive, confident ones just wanted to collect as many admirers as they could. A lot of them really didn't seem to care whether their ability to inspire strong feelings of attraction in someone like me towards them was really in my best interest or not.
In regards to this young woman at this business I patronize, all I have to say is this: I've done a pretty good job of learning to live a good life without chasing after girlfriends, love, or relationships. If it is indeed true that I am able to live without those things, than it should be of no great concern to me whether this young woman is coming from a "real" place or not. I mean, if distancing myself from her fills me with a terror that I could be mistaken in assuming that she has no interest in me, than what's all that rhetoric about how I am able to live without love really amount to?
In my post regarding the young woman that I busted in January, I said that I was running about 0 for 12 in getting dates with women in her category. That is, much younger female employees of businesses that I patronize on a regular basis.
In issue # 10 of Richy Vegas Comics, I go into my deal with a young woman from 1988. She was the first woman that was a major big deal to me that I simply refused to chase to the ends of the Earth, as I'd always done before with women that I'd considered "important." A couple of years after I'd definitively cut her loose and moved on, I came to the conclusion that I'd made a terrible mistake. One could pretty much turn over an hourglass and count on the fact that after a finite number of rotations, I would go completely nuts as a result of this belief. And so I did. A few years ago I felt a similar kind of regret for the fact that I broke up with the one woman I count as a girlfriend in my life after we'd dated for only a month. Funny how the two times I really said "no" during that time in my life later made me feel really guilty and remorseful that I'd missed out on really good things.