My last post seemed to resonate with some of her female coworkers, maybe. I don't typically go into her place of employment when I know her to work there these days, but I see that I may have hit a nerve with some of what I said last week. I wondered why. I guessed this past evening that girls and women such as her throw out flirtatious looks and gestures to men in their world all the time, but that the obsessive type of guy invariably becomes the one guy who takes that kind of stuff too seriously. So, it they really have to be so responsible in regards to how they interact with an obsessive type, why do other types of men seem to have little or no problem with identical flirty behavior on their part? Yeah, okay.
I think I did pretty good in my accounting of how I was towards her, both here on this blog and in the real world. I said some heated things about a year and a half ago when I called her a bully and a coward. I just felt that I was being subjected to some kind of entrapment oriented witch hunt at the hands of her and others. So, yeah, that's a big reason why I'm so eager to bail at last from this deal. She just didn't seem into the idea of interacting with me, even on a superficial level, the last time I had to chance to even say hi to her, so I just cut all of that shit loose at that instant. I don't like the idea that women such as her, and other women observing the situations I find myself in with women such as her, see me as a guy who goes around bothering women. E-uh!