These past few days I've thought about all of the asshole women I've had to deal with these past several years. One who really comes to mind is that Virgin Girl from 2014/15. I sure handled the pressure she put on me better than I handled the pressure this situation put on me the other night. My response the other night in the car looked adolescent in comparison. I think I've been handling these situations with all of these asshole women with a lot more professionalism than I've been handling the situation with my parents.
I've been out in the world. See, that Virgin Girl from that business I patronize offered me her virginity-if I played my cards right. It seems that the guy I saw her with one time was some kind of SOB or something, and if I just played my cards right, even though she didn't even know me, really...yeah.
I just thought about that Virgin Girl and all her bullshit as I dealt with one of my parents just now. I mean I had to go and deal with this parent as I wrote the above passages. It helps. I can only think to apply the skill set I've shown with these women to the situation with my parents, instead of feeling like I'm still fourteen years old with them.
I'm kind of stuck at my house for now. I can work on my books and my music to keep me busy. I just finished page fifty of the latest issue of Richy Vegas Comics tonight. I practiced a couple of songs for my next album as well. The progress on the book goes a lot better than the progress on the record.