"Three Days In the Tickle" comes out to about seven minutes long, I have to memorize it all over again. "Nineteen Years Since the Tickle" is not nearly as long, and a lot easier to memorize. It's about waiting for Monica to show up again throughout all of those years.
On Tuesday I think I will play the Posse East's open mike. I did it last Tuesday. That's one where I can do songs like, "Lot Lizard Lolita," and "Blo-hole Acres," and not worry about kids being there or anything.
Last Wednesday I went to San Marcos and played at Cheatham Street Warehouse's Songwriter's Circle. Don't call it an open mike! One has to have written the song one performs, or at least cowrote it.
The point of all these open mikes, songwriter's circle and whatnot is to have as much stagetime as possible before I pay to record the songs for my records. The last time I didn't do any stage performing at all, and I thought I'd practiced enough, but the engineer had to do a lot of editing to make the songs sound okay.
I also want to try to get some gigs so I could have a place to sell my books. I try to mention them at the New World Deli open mike, but somethimes I forget. I haven't sold any yet, either.
I'm not going to do the web comic I was talking about. I had too many irons in the fire with that. All of those supplies I bought I can use to make flyers if I get any shows someday.