I frequently look at men or machines reading Reddit posts about nice guys, neckbeards, incels, what have you, in YouTube videos. It seems as if an overall obsession with women and a tendency to bark up the wrong tree informs the stories told in so many of these videos. I remember the kind of obsessive things I would do in high school and college and wish to God I could change somehow. I think just the state of existing in a bad place for a lot of these guys makes their efforts to connect with women about the wrong women by definition. A vicious cycle emerges where the behavior of these (mostly) young men can lead them to the wrong person's door before too long, if my personal experiences applies to their situations in any way.
I've talked often enough about how things I went through in the eighties and nineties seem to have come back to haunt me these days. I think my mental illness, and what that signifies to various people hungry for some adversarial drama in their lives, makes that kind of phenomenon a definite possibility. The mentally ill have tended to get scapegoated for the sins of the many throughout history. Couple this with the notion many antagonists posses that the mentally ill can't defend themselves against such attacks, and that the aggressors can get away clean with such attacks, and one can find all the explanation one needs for why this kind of behavior runs rampant in the situations someone such as me finds himself in to this day.