This led the conversation to the Keith Richards autobiography. Keef made the point several times in his book that he and his mates were doing something completely unprecedented and achieving unimaginable heights doing it. He said several times that there was no rulebook, roadmap, whatever for them to go by, and that they just had to make it up as they went along. The same could be said for Elvis Presley and John Lennon as well.
Maybe I'm the one person who wrestles with this Richy Vegas stuff much more than any human on Earth, but from where I sit, there was no rulebook for me either. All those years ago, and yes, here's my foot in that other world; all those years ago, Vernon Hoe and his people just had to wing it, I guess. Given the fact that I had no idea that any of this stuff was in effect until they wanted me to know what they wanted me to know, and how they wanted me to know it, I'd say they did a pretty good job.
This Invisible Woman was no doubt just doing it the way they told her. It's just that nowadays, I know enough to challenge stuff, instead of just scratching my head at this, that, or the other. When I went down in my big fight in 1991-1993, I would see people who would, for example, say funny things as I walked by at a party, "There's something very sweet in here," or a girl from Austin High and UT, a really pretty girl, would walk past me with a blank expression on her face, as if she was just making herself stare straight ahead and walk by, or I would go to Chinese restaurant near SVA and one of the female owners would greet me with, "Hi Tobie!"
All of that stuff really only came together after Gil Wilson talked to me at that party that I mention in "Richy Vegas, the Blind Assassin part 1." Now, it's quite a different kettle of fish.
If anyone wants to know where I'm at right now, read Hemingway's short story, "A Separate Peace," where the protagonist gets his girlfriend and leaves the fighting of World War I and crosses over into Switzerland. Hemingway turned "A Separate Peace," into A Farewell to Arms and gave it a tragic story arc that ran counter to what he was trying to say in the short story. I don't have a knocked up girlfriend, so I don't have to worry. Maybe me and some videos of adult film star Meghan Rain can forge our own separate peace.