The review is pretty thorough and makes no bones in regards to the idea that my comics are not for everyone. It's really weird seeing how someone else sees me. I got that sense of things reading this review as the writer brought up the darker stuff that's in the books.
With that in mind, I just have to talk about the subject of my last post. The young woman in question doesn't seem to want to talk to me much, is someone I don't know at all, really, and is just someone-an employee of a business I patronize- that I see on a regular basis. So that's the main reason that I would, in a perfect world, like to get to know her better. But, this is not a perfect world. It's easy for me to imagine that we really don't have anything in common. I've talked about how women in my past seemed to regard my designation of them as my love interest as a really arbitrary decision that has little or nothing to do with anything they actually did, and so it may be the case with this young woman.
note: the post has been corrected to change the word "assignation" : a scheduled appointment or meeting, to "designation" : tp appoint or set apart for special purpose. I'm so ashamed.