When I neutralize people as effectively as I do, and don't try to strike back, it can give them a chance to reflect on their behavior and try to do better. I sort of learned this lesson in my computer lab intern job I just finished, when I drew a parallel between the Good Guys and those occasional clients who would go off on me for whatever reason. At my intern job, I would just play it cool and never try to match them in my response to their shitty behavior towards me. A couple of times these same people would seem to realize the error of their ways and come back at a later date being much better towards me. Other times I'd never see them again.
Why do people see me as the bad guy so readily? Why do they so readily accept the idea? I guess being a mentally ill guy with a tendency towards romantic obsession just rings a lot of bells for people, and they all see themselves on the side of the angels in any conflict with me.
I remember a middle-aged, intellectually disabled woman very, very effectively throwing my effort to cruelly make fun of her back in my face, in like, 2001. I then figured out that I probably have a lot more in common with her than I do with normal people. We both got very, very good at recognizing and neutralizing bad attitudes and behavior visited on us by the normies in our world, because we both had so much opportunity to practice at it.
Looking back, me learning my skill set with that stuff reminds me of how I learned other things, such as how to drive a car, cook for myself, work a particular job... It was just part of learning skills in life I needed to learn in order to get by. No more, no less.
Nowadays, I'm beginning to see how that intellectually disabled women learned to be so FORGIVING of the kind of shit I threw her way. I just don't have the time or inclination to harbor a deep, burning HATRED towards the sheer numbers of people who've tried shit with me over the years. There's just so many of them. There's just been so many incidents I can refer back to.
Like I said in my last post, I've learned that retaliation against those who took up the garb of the White Knight against me only creates a lot more problems than it solves. I think I can behave in a civil manner to ANYONE I've busted doing this shit on me, because I just don't have the time or inclination to be any other way towards such people. I mean, who doesn't want to be the Good Guy? Good Guys defeat Bad Guys. They see me as the Bad Guy. I get it. This is me trying to be nice. I'll be nice to ANYONE who wants me to preach this type of sermon to them in real life. I promise.