I hope Cheatham Street Warehouse is still open there in San Marcos. A rich country music guy owns it. I talked to Matt, he said the Posse East plans to open in mid-June. I'd like to run the new songs by the open mike at Posse East before I go to San Marcos. Matt said they aren't taking chances with a hasty reopening of the Posse East. They want all of the staff vaccinated, and they'll open the inside for the first time since March 2020.
One of the new songs on the album is, "Tastes Like a Penny." That's a gospel number that shouts the praises of Richy Vegas' butthole tasting just like a penny. Another song is, "I Never Was Her Guy," I wrote that one a month or so after "Tastes Like a Penny" in January or early February of 2020. I dusted "I Never Was Her Guy" off a couple of weeks ago and played it for the first time since I wrote it, and it sounds pretty damn good. Another song I wrote, in 2018 I think, is "I'm Just a Rock." I'm just a rock/ skipping past the waters/ of Asshole Woman Lake. I'm skipping I hope/ to the Island of Good Women/ 'cross the waters of Asshole Woman Lake.
Some of the new songs I have to run by a live performance before I know if I'll keep them. I need to work on the arrangement of at least one of them ("Cat And Mouse"), and performing that song at places in various incarnations will help with that, I hope. The two waltzes about the Invisible Woman: "Fuckface on Monday, Fuckface On Friday," and, "Fuckface Bloody Fuckface," well, I don't even know if I'll put those on Music From the Motion Picture Soundtrack.