I think about that in my dealings with women in my day to day world. I don't really believe I have a chance with any young women in my world that I'm attracted to, but I don't want to muddy the waters with bad personal conduct towards them either. Which brings me to this point. I've talked about how I decided to avoid patronizing a certain business at a certain time of day so that I could stay away from a certain young female employee. Recently I decided to go ahead and move more freely about my world and lift that restriction. I'm no mind reader, but I kind of get the impression that some other employees don't approve of my recent decision.
I really have no desire to bother this young woman at her place of employment or anywhere else. I have no desire to try to buddy up to her, nor do I have any desire to behave in a more negative way towards her. I think I can take the high road in regards to her without trying to go out of my way to prove I'm a great guy and all that B.S. The worst thing I do these days towards women in dodgy situations is withdraw in an effort to get a clearer picture of what all goes on with this or that person. I've already done that, and I have no desire to engage with this young woman in either a positive or negative way.