When I got home I thought that word of the Legend of Richy Vegas might have finally got 'round- something I've been wanting to happen for about twenty-seven years, okay?- and, boy, did I get excited. I kind of sat on this thought and didn't darken this place's door for a bit.
Then I thought about it a while later, and I came to a different conclusion. I thought that these young attractive women flouncing around as they were might have had something to do with how I said "no" to a situation I found myself in with a young, attractive female coworker of theirs. I essentially said a couple and three and four posts back that I would not pursue anyone at this business romantically, and that I had a right to make such a decision.
This past week I found myself patronizing this business during the shift of a young woman I'd made that kind of decision about, a decision to refrain from romantic pursuit of this person, and I wondered if that could explain this nymph-like flouncing about by her coworkers on another shift on a later date. Work with me here, people; it's as if I inadvertently signaled something to these coworkers, and they wanted to tell me something about the deal with this young woman in question. The headline of this post says it all. This notion might just exist in my head. Maybe the young coworkers were just being young women and they don't even know anything about me. In that case, no harm done, I guess.
But, if these young women attempted to do me or this young woman some kind of favor with this display of energy, I have a problem with that. I strongly suspect, as has been the case with every single young woman at this business up to this point, that the young woman in question is not what she seems. I mean, I suspect that this young woman represents herself as available and interested for me to date, when in fact that may not ring true.
People out there should note, this has happened before, at this same business. The first time it happened was with that virgin girl in 2014. The other major time it happened occurred after the virgin girl failed to win at her games, and her friend took up the cause in 2015, and again in 2016. Other young women at this business have tried me to a lesser extent than these two, but this one I'm referring to these days might be using the same playbook as the previous two.
She could be playing both ends against the middle, and leading these young woman on about her level of interest in me. On the other hand, maybe this young woman just doesn't know what she wants, and the fact that I said "no" to the whole deal at this place and with her has her energized to try and win me over. The purpose of trying to win me over despite my resistance, regardless of where she's coming from, is to see if she can do just that. She may have no thought of what might occur as a result of any of that. So, all of that energy I saw the other day in those employees may come from the fact that I said, "No."
I, of course, have a big problem with this. Trying to win me over shows a basic lack of respect for my wishes, both on her part and on the part of these other employees. Of course, I'm just thinking out loud. None of this may actually have any basis in reality. But, no matter, because my chosen course of action requires that I do not much of anything about it. Writing about it helps.
Think about it, people. Let's say the genders were reversed, and it was a man trying to win over a woman with such tactics. People would consider him and his mostly male confederates to be real scumbags, wouldn't they? I mean, the confederates may serve as unwitting dupes of the player dude, but still, they are all knowingly going against the wishes of the lone female- if the genders were reversed. Just because they are all attractive young women and I'm a fifty-four year old man doesn't make what they do cute or okay.
I've read that a sex addict will have sex with someone just because they have an opportunity, regardless of whether they want to have sex with that person or not. Maybe someone such as myself, a love addict, would feel compelled at times to love someone even though he or she didn't really want to. That makes any machinations of other parties to bring about that result seem really slimy, does it not? Hey, people, I don't HAVE to love anyone. All anyone can do is ask, and maybe the answer is "NO." The preceding came from a public service announcement from the eighties. That is all.