A few minutes ago I thought along the following lines. Readers of this blog know that I guessed in November of last year that there just might exist an internet presence of me that I have not yet seen. I ran that notion up the flagpole as a possible explanation for the behaviors of quite a few otherwise unrelated women toward me since maybe 2010. It might not be true, but it made sense as I lay in bed one night adding things up.
So yeah, this very attractive young woman at this business would represent just the type that would have intimate knowledge of an alleged online presence of myself that I did not consent to. So what? Well, part of me thinks this notion of such a presence might actually ring true, and it that's the case, whatever flirtatious bone such a gal might throw my way wouldn't amount to much of anything. If she really wanted to get with me, and if she really wanted to prove that she liked me, I think a better move for her would involve her saying to me, "Excuse me, sir. May I talk to you for a minute?" Then she could have taken me off to the side and told me that yes, this online presence actually exists, and perhaps she would offer to make a statement to the proper authorities.
So yeah, she can take her little flirtatious gestures and go jump in the lake, for all I care. What if the notion of this online presence that I did not consent to has no actual basis in reality? That would mean that all these women over these past nine years or so have just all been independently giving me their visceral reaction to what a total piece of shit I am, I guess.
Well, if it's the case that the online presence I suspect exists does not actually exist, what am going to do about this young woman's subtle flirtation? Well, the whole notion of the online presence arose out of the beliefs that an individual from my distant past didn't like the way I treated her. Okay? So, in regards to this young woman at this business, the best way I know how to treat such an individual, especially when such flirtations represent an adversarial stance, involves me slowing my actions down to a crawl and picking the right spot to make a decision to cut such a person loose.
I don't think any women that have gone adversarial on me over these past however many years- 2010? 21012? 2014?- have any reason to complain about how I treated them. None of the women I've brought up who came at me adversarially ever had an agenda that had anything to do with love, girlfriends, or relationships. So, my new improved methods of treating women in a way that might be more their liking was born out of all of this shit. If this young woman is coming from a more sincere place with this ONE LOOK (whoop dee doo!) she gave me, and she finds my methods exasperating, I suggest that she try to get with a man who has more positive experiences with women like her than I have.