Think about it. Whenever I would attempt to find another love interest to take the place of the woman I found myself fixated on, that was precisely the problem: that one should be careful what one asks for, because one just might get it-another person to TAKE THE PLACE of someone that one feels a great deal of discomfort being fixated on. Take it from one who knows, that is no solution AT ALL.
It is analogous to thrashing around helplessly in a straitjacket. It doesn't matter whom you are fixated on, do not look for a replacement. Do not attempt to move on to bigger and better things. If what one is experiencing really is an utterly meaningless fixation, the center of gravity will not hold-even if one sees no current end in sight. I am not fixated on even the 2016 model anymore, much less the 1984, 1985, 1986 models.
So ladies in my world, I'm giving you a break on this one; just like I gave everyone else a break on the 2014, 2015, and 2016 models. Everyone is off the hook.