I guess I will have to confront the aggrieved parties as I suggested in my previous post. I've checked the mailbox associated with this account many times, and so far no one has reached out to me. I said that I hope to see the woman's ex-husband at a gathering later this year, and I guess that's my best chance to start settling up with these people. I could see the woman somewhere, or the ex-husband for that matter, sometime before this annual gathering, so I guess I could have a chance before then.
In my last post I brought up the point that I didn't think any revenge this woman wanted exacted on me would bring her the end of her pain or the satisfaction that justice was done, but I could be wrong. I went out on a few dates in 2014 with someone I knew in high school. She related how she had been in a marriage with an abusive man, and how she'd arranged for him to get his ass kicked at their house as her way of saying adios to him and their bad marriage. She seemed to have no remorse about her decision, and she seemed to derive a great deal of satisfaction from what she did.
Maybe I am that kind of a piece of shit. Maybe these people would derive a great deal of satisfaction from bringing about my defeat or downfall after all. Maybe I'll be too much of a coward to approach this ex-husband if I see him at this gathering. Maybe my mental illness makes me less of a man in that way, and that makes it okay for them to set up situations where I am vulnerable to an attack of some kind.
In the meantime, here's some things I will try to do or not do, depending. I will not write on this blog all of my thought process during the time of the incident and/or incidents that seem to concern this woman and these people so much. I will try to save all of that for the face-to-face discussion that I maybe am too much of a cowardly, subhuman, mentally ill piece of trash to even try to bring about. I want to have some incentive for this person or these people to want to talk to me in person. If I reveal too much information in this blog, they can just process and interpret that information any way they want, as they may have done with all my conciliatory posts before, and go on and resume their stupid games and bullshit.
I will also attempt to continue avoiding my patronage of the food service business that I went to where that young woman was so rude to me last Friday. Normally I would go to places such as this to sniff the air after I write on this blog to see if I can pick up on anything. The problem with doing that nowadays at this particular food service business is that the employee who was so rude to me might have the impression that I want our old deal back. Namely, the deal where I try to bend over backwards to accommodate her because I kind of like her, and in exchange for my efforts, she gets to do what ever she wants. Last Friday, the fact that I walked through the door of this food service business while she worked her shift seemed to give her the impression that she was entitled to treat me in as rude a manner as she desired.
Earlier in this post I said that maybe I'm such a piece of shit that this aggrieved woman and her allies may truly derive lasting satisfaction from attacking me and bringing about my downfall. The only experiences I have regarding myself tell me otherwise. People from past incidents really seemed to not have their sense of superiority and triumph over me withstand the test of time. But, maybe just this one time in my life back in the eighties and nineties, I really was the bad guy to this one person to such an irredeemable extent, that she truly would derive a great deal of inner peace, contentment, and satisfaction from bringing about my downfall.