What compelled me to declare this status for this young woman has to do with the situation I find myself in now. She's one of the busiest, most occupied people in the arts and entertainment industry right now, and seeing as how she's now my official love interest, I can imagine that my current situation could serve as a preview of coming attractions. I'm left to my own devices on the home front while she could be off on some tour or shooting some movie or some such shit as that. Might as well make the best of it. Officially declaring her my love interest will afford her the same courtesies and considerations I conferred on that former cashier.
If she fails to shake out as anything to me, well, the way I look at it now, it might just mean that SHE failed the very test she wanted to put ME through. That would amount to a really fine development, would it not? But, it wouldn't be the first time in history for me or anyone else that a love interest has come up short. Can't be helped if that's the case, I suppose.