Privileges, in regards to our deal at this time, include whether or not I patronize this business at a time when I figure she might work there. For the time being, I've decided to not do that anymore. That would fall in line with whether I try to talk to this person or interact with them in any way, and I don't want to do that either. I've never really talked to this person. Oh, and no, I'm not asking this person out in front of God and everyone at their place of employment, and maybe not anywhere else, should I run into them elsewhere. Whether I go out with this person after all depends on them and what they want to do about it. I really can't see going on any more than a date or two with this person under the current set of circumstances.
If all this sounds like a bunch of silly-ass demands from a middle-aged-going-on-elderly, overweight, mentally ill man trying to read the Riot Act to a very viable, datable, maybe-not-even-single, young woman who has a wealth of options available to her at virtually any time for that sort of thing, well, I refer the reader who has gotten this far to just look at the headline of this post. I know. I know. I know. But, I think this represents a better approach than trying to "forgive" (see previous posts about forgiveness); I think this approach is better than essentially rewarding this person for "going there" with me the way she did these past few weeks.
I explained my plight in regards to women at this business last night to a guy I know who now works there. I talked about how I would write these posts and wonder if ANYONE in my world- the world I live in day to day- if anyone in my world, which includes employees at this business, actually reads them like I maybe think they do.
Maybe I'll see this person I'm talking about out on the town with my friend sometime. He's about my age, but he looks better than me, and he doesn't seem to be the type women like her want to take for the kind of ride they all seem so keen on taking me on. So yeah, maybe he'd be a better date for this girl than I would. He's really nice, and she never went there with him, and probably never would.