The category of unavailable woman she falls under presents the worst strain of these types that I have to deal with on a regular basis. From the very start, I suspected her of coming at me with an agenda that had nothing to do with love, girlfriends, sex, dating, relationships, companionship, or anything like that. I suspected her of trying to make a conquest of me, and whatever that would entail. I don't know much more than that of her early intentions, though I suspected her of trying to go on some kind of crusade on behalf of women everywhere or some such shit like that. I think, at best, her intentions morphed into just wanting "free" male attention from me, which might represent where she comes from nowadays, if indeed she still lurks on the periphery of my world. Free male attention falls under a category of attention that she does not have to reciprocate in any way. Well, here's your free male attention, honey. Take it or leave it.
Anyway, in dealing effectively with such a one as her, other types of unavailable women and the dilemmas such situations present don't send me into a tailspin like they used to. Not at all. Some other types of unavailable women include: Someone who doesn't return a phone call or message or two. I can just let that type go. Someone who seems really ideal in terms of both looks and personality, but has a serious boyfriend. Someone whom I may have had an opportunity with at some time, but the opportunity no longer exists. Someone awesome in a lot of ways, and someone whom I know at times enjoys single status, but who wants me in the dreaded friend zone with them at those times. The list goes on and on. I just don't have the same fits of depression or despair over any of those types of unavailable women any more than I do over the more predatory types. In fact, pretty much all of those other types represent women who just want to live their lives and not try to go around hurting me in any way, so I tend to not get bummed out in the least over those other types anymore at all.
I guess that's because the predatory types are such assholes, and since I know how to deal with them for the most part, even they don't bum me out all that much, so therefore I'm okay just letting those more relatable types go, and that's usually the end of it. Wow, that's true. The ones who don't have some fucked up agenda with me I can just decide to let go of and it's a done deal, but the asshole predatory types are pretty much the only ones who persist in their bullshit. So let me see if I've got this right. The more predatory types can persist, but the more relatable, likable types just stay let go of once I let them go.
Hmmm, let me think about this. I've had women I've rejected persist to some extent. That is, they may still call me after some time and want to get together or whatnot, but the more predatory types just seem to persist in trying to tie me up in knots. A simple but polite rebuff usually suffices for someone who may have a genuine interest in me, but the more predatory types are a whole 'nother
kettle of fish in degree of intensity and whatnot. That's it. But yeah, women who had an interest in me, but that I rejected for whatever reason, are not in any category of unavailable women. That means that only the predatory unavailable women represent the only unavailable women I find it necessary to say no to again, and again, and again.