I'm fifty-five years old. I'm sooo very, very tired of the same old outcome that ALWAYS seems to come about with women such as this one. I'll just say this: they never seem to turn out to be all they're cracked up to be. It's as if some unavailable and disappointing angel just moves from body, to body, to body, ad nauseum.
If I suspect this kind of outcome looms, and that this outcome comes about ALMOST EVERY SINGLE TIME I try to make it about such a person, then who should the resposibility fall on to make the change in outcome? Should I put the responsibility for an acceptable outcome in the hands of yet another twenty/twenty-one year old girl who might have her own (really crappy) ideas about what exactly constitutes an acceptable outcome?
What constitutes an acceptable outcome, if leaving these things up to such women seems tantamount to flushing myself down some bad-love-interest toilet? The acceptable outcome I readily embrace involves me making little to no moves in such a person's direction. These days I feel like I may as well go piss up a rope as approach these kinds of women.
In letting go of these kinds of deals with these kinds of women, one may run up against the cliches about finding love through letting go of one's beloved. Yeah, right. I may as well go piss up a rope on that account as well, at least as far as these Disappointment Angel Deals shake out.