Um, about what happens in issue number eighteen, yeah. I'm wondering if people have actually gone down to the library and read that issue. It seems as if maybe some of the people who read this blog may have done just that. But, then again, is the data on views to this website real? Does the data reflect in any way that local people I interact with in my everyday world actually read these blog posts and would go to the trouble to go down to the main library and read the books there on the Zine Shelf? I wonder, because of the total lack of traffic on the YouTube channel.
Maybe it's the price I pay for being an underground phenom, people they just don't want me to really know. Kind of like how God put dinosaur fossils underground when he created the world six thousand years ago in order to fool the skeptics about the age of the Earth.
Soo, if anyone really has read issue number eighteen and thinks anything of that part where I talk to Michelle at the Cannibal Club, there are some things to keep in mind. Mainly, that medical science says those kind of "recovered memories" are actually hallucinations. With that in mind, I feel kind of bad exploiting what happened to "Michelle," even though it happened thirty years ago. Like I said, I seem to keep a pretty low profile and seem doomed to obscurity with my art and music, and that may prove to be the only saving grace for me just coming out with all of this stuff-that not that many people will read it.
I want people to say, "I can at least see why he would have the beliefs he has about these experiences." I do personally believe that there is something to these experiences I've had. I've just decided to take a personal leap of faith about all of this stuff, but I just want people to read the books and maybe to sell some at a competitive price. Yeah, it would be nice to have an audience, over anything more heavy than that.