Okay, I'm specifically talking about how I related to Sara in those two posts. As far as I'm concerned, it's Spring 1988, Latin American Art History Class, and I've just found a seat up front on the right hand side where I will sit for the rest of the semester. Okay, Invisible Woman, you're like Sara to me. Okay? Got it? Do you need to know anything else?
If you want something more than that, well, I'm not a mind reader, so I can't say what that would be. If you want something more, Invisible Woman, and it's something you can't just ask for in a reasonable, timely manner from this day to that, I might not have anything for you.
And, I might add, the outcome I had with Sara at the end of the Summer of 1988 doesn't have to be the outcome I have with you. It doesn't work that way. A lot of it is up to you as to what the eventual outcome will be.