I can't help but think that such a mindset decisively defined how I conducted myself in regards to that young woman from beginning, to middle, to end. No doubt. And, you know what, if I adopt intelligent decision making as the priority mindset in any situation I find myself in with any young, very attractive woman whom I like in the foreseeable future, I have no reason not to think that I will conduct myself in an exemplary manner towards anyone I care for, regardless of where I stand with them.
Last year, after I invited that young woman to my comic book sale, I steeled myself for the aftermath. I emphasized to myself, time and again, that I did not want to try to cash in, rebound, or otherwise try to find some other love interest to take that young woman's place, and I did not try to do that at all. I have no resentments at all that the aftermath of that encounter with that young woman did not bring some windfall of young, very attractive women who demonstrably expressed a desire to go out with me. Instead, I feel very, very grateful that my adaptation of the cognitive behavior therapy techniques that I learned in the David Burns book Feeling Good allow me to live a life almost free of the emotional pain and upheaval that would mark my days in my twenties.
While I do respond well to psych meds, I think the stability the meds imposed on me allowed me to work on my game and effect a meaningful recovery from love addiction in regards to how it would trigger bad, traumatic episodes with women. The combination of psych meds and cognitive behavior therapy techniques brought about this place I find myself in now.