I've replied that way to a therapist when he asked me about something of that nature. It was a long time ago. However, for me, at least, the grandiose, fantastic things I can get caught up in come in and go out like the tide. For example, I hadn't really thought about Schmaylor Schmift to any extent for a long time, until my notion of her came roaring back to life late last February. Now, I probably thought a lot about equally bizarre stuff at that time, but I do remember how Schmaylor made a big comeback late last February.
I had dinner with friends this evening. I'm comfortable talking about the specifics of all that can go on in my head with them, so I did. I said that, hopefully, this latest Schmaylor intrusion will go out with the tide soon enough. Maybe just talking to them initiated that process. Maybe just thinking along those lines before I visited with them initiated that whole process. That's why I'm so keen on treating this whole "love" issue with this notion of Schmaylor in my head as a symptom of my illness, and not some REAL THING, because the day may very well come when I dismiss all talk of this time and my delusional notion of this person as trivial stuff in my past.