What gives? If she's really so hot for me, why didn't she accept my friend request? I've decided that the Facebook friend request is the ultimate line in the sand. All that would have happened if she accepted the request is that I would have sent her a personal message saying, "What's up? How's it going?," nothing too much really. If she hadn't responded to that at all, then I would just drop it. I might send her a greeting on her birthday, or congratulations over big news such as a graduation or engagement to be married, as i have done with other attractive women in the past.
I figure that this young woman might give me this flirtatious, "I long for you" look with the intention of getting me to try some other approach, because I'm supposed to think, "Well, the Facebook Friend request didn't work, so I'll try something else." If I was twenty-one or twenty-two, her move might have worked. But, I've really tried to train myself since those nightmare-relationship-with-women days to not pursue someone to the ends of the Earth and back.
I guess she's at an age where men of all types, ages, shapes, and sizes most definitely will pursue her to the ends of the Earth and back. Or, maybe she just has me as that type. I don't know. I'm just trying to keep that in mind as I go about my day to day affairs. I admit, I can get pretty excited about attractive young women, but I'm also pretty good at snapping back to the fact of the matter.
Yeah, the Facebook move is a really unobtrusive, non-confrontational way to settle these flirtation matters. I don't have any luck in really connecting with this move, but the Facebook friend request move really saves me a lot of time and mental energy that I would otherwise waste in an effort to connect with women in my world. I've yet to send Zuckerberg that first box of chocolates, but I figure that I owe him about nine boxes by now.