This time the unavailable woman was, of all the insane things for an unavailable woman to be, an A-list celebrity. Let me tell you, I've had some strange experiences in my life, but this one rates right up there with the strangest. Does this person even know about me? Was someone I had a run-in with years and years ago the actual instigator of this Unavailable Woman Deal? Who all knew about this? Was this all in my head? Right now it's as if the whole deal is like an untreated, naked corpse that has been buried deep in the earth with no casket or other preparation, and it's just being consumed by the bugs and the grubs and the microbes and returning to its mother.
The last one got my congratulations at the announcement of her engagement and marriage after she accepted my friend request on Facebook. That was the only comments I ever sent her way via that platform- no personal messages at all. She unfriended me last November or December, but for some reason I don't mind that at all. I haven't seen her since, but I'm still conscientious of trying to make an effort to take a bit of a high road with her.
I don't see why this celebrity person should get any less consideration. So this last song that I just wrote that had some pretty bitter words will stay off this blog and just be for anyone I need to play in front of, if even then. If this celebrity person announces her engagement to the world at large in the coming days, weeks, or months, I guess that I will extend the same courtesy of congratulating her. It might not mean a thing to her, but like a lot of that kind of stuff, it would mean something to me.
Oh, here's the first lines, "You don't give a damn about your bad reputation/ Well I don't give a goddam either."