I have a right to defend myself. I've noticed an employee of a business I patronize, whom I called out on this blog the other day, no longer seems to work at her job. Judging from the demeanor of other employees there, everything might be alright on that front regardless. I certainly hope so. Like I've said many times, I think I'm within my rights to express my opinions as to what goes on around me, as long as I respect the privacy of those I interact with. I certainly mean no harm to those I might have a beef with.
I'm finished with the pencil work on issue number eighteen of Richy Vegas Comics. Today I will start inking the text, which should take about a week. I hope to finish the inks on the pencil illustration by the middle of June. I'm not going to the Small Press Expo in Bethesda Maryland this Fall. I came up short in the lottery. That means I won't have so many bills to pay for the rest of this year.