I haven't done anything wrong in my opinion, but as of about an hour or two ago, I saw that I had before me a tradeoff. If I don't go to this person's place of employment when I figure she may work there, I would essentially give up the hope that I could get to know her better and form a friendship with her. In exchange for giving that up, I would have back in fuller measure the life I have built up as a single person that involves my art projects, my music projects, the pursuit of more constructive friendships, and the overall sense that I'm happier not pursuing the kinds of friendships with women where I'm constantly wondering whether or not I am just barking up the wrong tree yet again.
I know, actions speak louder than words, Rich, but I just wanted to get this off of my chest. I've busted this kind of move before in the not-too-distant past-refraining from seeing some woman I was attracted to- and I found myself very satisfied with the results.
In other news, the latest issue of Richy Vegas Comics, issue # 18, The Legend of Richy Vegas, part 5, is now on the zine shelf at the main library downtown. That's the Austin Public Library. Of course, one may order this issue and other from this web site, or I'll catch you at one of the zine fests or cons where I will have a table in the coming months.