If a much younger woman really liked me, and we started seeing each other, then she'd probably have to do a lot of explaining of her choice to those in her world. This would include her friends, coworkers, and maybe even family if it got that far. From what I read all over the internet on blog sites such as Jezebel, or on social media comments in general on the subject of older men dating younger women, I would not call these very forgiving or tolerant times in regards to that possibility.
So, if a much younger woman really, really liked me, she would do well to resign herself to explaining without apologies her choices regarding me. And, if that holds true, then the time to start declaring her preference and why she makes the choices she makes may as well start right off with making the first move on me. With that in mind, I would not add anything to the situation by taking a substantial initiative in getting something going with such a young woman.
One reason I read in Jezebel that women object on MORAL grounds to the situation of a much younger woman dating an older man has to do with the notion that the older man seeks to control the younger woman. Well, all the more reason for me to not go out of my way even a little bit to try to pick up on some woman half my age or younger.
Years ago I heard Howard Stern talk on the air about the late Don Imus' marriage to a much younger woman. Howard disparaged the marriage and said that the young woman probably just wanted the money and lifestyle he could give her. Then one of his cohorts mentioned Tony Randall and his much younger wife and said it was probably the same deal. Howard then countered that Tony's wife probably really loved him. Tony Randall had his first child by her when he was 77 and she was in her late twenties/early thirties.
So, such a thing does exist, to my way of seeing things. I talk a lot about much younger women on this blog, but if anyone sees me as the controlling type, especially any young women I've written about, well, good luck with that notion. Hugh Hefner used to impose a 9 PM curfew on his girlfriends to be back at the mansion. His legacy on those later times comes in the form of disparaging memoirs and interviews with some of these women who speak of their deal as a purely financial arrangement with no real romantic feelings for the old mummy. No thanks.
I mean, the last young woman I talked about on this blog, I said many times that she could just do whatever she wanted, and that I would try to refrain from signing on to some deal where I really bent over backwards to get with her. It would have been NICE if whatever she felt like doing included talking to me or letting me know in any other substantive way that she even liked me, but no, doing whatever she wanted didn't include stuff like that, not to my way of seeing things, so I bailed. Sue me, women of the Jezebel blog site and all you other clucking hens out there.