Then I thought, "Okay, Rich, have some empathy. You've worked in retail. What is all of this bitchiness really about?" Well, if my experiences in retail, food service, and other customer/ client service jobs tells me anything, her attitude is about sensory overload. My social media followee expresses that she's just over certain aspects of her job, which in a retail job, usually means she's over certain categories of customer demandingness. If it's not the customers, it's her supervisors, her fellow employees, the company she works for, the building she works in, the drive to work. You get the idea. The customers always come first in the just about any service industry employee's complaints about their job.
Keeping this in mind, I guess, moving forward, I will NEVER take it upon myself, EVER AGAIN, to approach a young, attractive female employee of a business I patronize for social reasons, unless they CLEARLY, UNAMBIGUOUSLY, broach the subject of such activity themselves. Even if I get on a pretty familiar basis with such an employee, but they never broach the subject of an outside social encounter themselves, nope.
The only two times in this century I recall female employees bringing up social activities with me outside of their job, I was totally down. Every time I brought such activities up first with female employees, not so much. I guess the two women who brought this subject up first saw me as a treat for themselves as they went about their often hard workday, and so they treated themselves to an invitation for some kind of a date.
I guess I can assume it's that cut and dried; if an attractive young woman gets on a familiar basis with me, and/ or kind of flirts with me a little or maybe even a lot, but doesn't broach the subject of social activities outside of work, then she's not interested, period. That's based on my experiences on both sides of the counter, and my sometimes limited ability to empathize with the kinds of women I'm attracted to. And, I might add, my limited empathy skills will probably serve me much better in actually refraining from such activity than any prospect of getting indignant or really hurt at some young woman shooting my prospective invitation down.