Stuff like this makes me feel like I'm getting something accomplished in this particular avocation.
I applied for a showcase at SXSW 2019. It'd be neat if I got booked for that as well. It cost me $35 to apply, which they will surely keep if I don't get picked. I would like to do the songs about Fuckface and whatnot for SXSW 2019. I got the music from my latest album up on, and there are now players for a couple of the songs on this website. Yay!
I figure that I will finish the latest Richy Vegas book well before the end of the month. I've done the ink outlines for all of the pages already, so the book just waits for me to dive in and do the finished inks. I've already finished 26 pages, one third of the book, and inertia just takes over at this stage. Obsession is good for some things, if not others.