So, my next move consisted of not going to this particular food service place for two weeks. The reason I took this course of action had to do with how I would come across. I didn't want to go in there the following Wednesday or Thursday and come off like I'm some great guy about being stood up and what I great guy I was being about it, because that kind of thing comes off as manipulative, nice-guy bullshit to my way of seeing things.
So I saw her today, and she was really nice and said she was sorry she couldn't make it, because she had her prior commitment to attend to, which is fine with me. I think that I will just leave it at that, and not ask her out again. The way I see it, I managed to break the ice with my initial invitation, and now she can return my serve if she wants to, or not. I saw a YouTube video by a woman named Appollonia Ponti that likened the dating game to a tennis match. For example: I call someone once, and I don't call them again until they call me back once. If they don't call me back, I don't call them at all anymore. That's a good general rule of thumb, and I think that one could follow that rule in most instances. That keeps the whole one-sided thing down to a minimum.