Suppose my experience a week and half later, that of talking to Michelle at the Cannibal Club, a "recovered memory," was not a memory at all, but a hallucination? What if this stuff was all in my head? Would that make the course of actions these women in my world took towards me okay again? What if I'm just a guy who made some bad decisions, experienced a lot of stress, and had a breakdown as a result? What if these women succeeded in taking me down like they wanted to? Would they derive the great sense of satisfaction from such an outcome that they'd hoped to derive?
My past experiences, where women with these same attitudes towards me, engaging in the same kinds of behaviors, women who did indeed win at these games they played with me, did seem to derive a great deal of satisfaction from the attitudes and behaviors they visited on me. They really did seem to think that God was on their side in these conflicts, and that the good guys won in the end. For all I know, women such as Myrna, and Wanda, and Veronica may look back at their time going up against me and winning as some of the happiest, most satisfying moments of their youths.
So, am I now supposed to feel sorry for these women I beat these days at these games they play? These games that are games of their own choosing, with their own set of rules, with their own definition of what constitutes victory, and yet they lose. Am I obliged to like these women? Am I obliged to forgive them, unilaterally, as a matter of course? Why am I obliged to forgive them? Is it because they're so pretty? They don't ask me to forgive them. They never admit to the games they play, or to the attitudes they have towards basic human worth and decency that compel them to try and shit on someone they perceive as vulnerable to such a course of action. They're just entitled to my forgiveness, maybe. Just like they were entitled to take the course of action they tried to take towards me in the first place.
I've never been in trouble with the law as a result of this kind of shit. Isn't that amazing? Even though people like this ain't shit to me as a romantic love interest, they mean as much to me as a human being as anyone else does. I also know they're someone to somebody, probably a big deal to a lot of people. Do they assume I'm nothing to anyone else, like I am to them? Who needs Donald Trump, with people like this around to stand in for him?