I guess I want to be fair to myself and not buy into any possible notions that it's all about the hotties for me. Young women may still preoccupy my thoughts over any other types, but not so much so that I remain this total dateless wonder that never goes out with anyone because I impose harsh, unforgiving standards on any women who fall short of total hottie status.
But I do have this one point to make. As long as I consistently make intelligent decisions about the women that so preoccupy me these days, I allow myself the freedom to make whatever decisions I care to make in regards to any other types of women I may socialize with. In other words, making intelligent decisions, repeatedly, about this or that hottie does not OBLIGE me to turn around and vie for a serious, committed relationship with the first person to come along who actually goes out on dates with me. I hope to, someday, have enough of a variety of women to choose from that I don't have to feel obliged to latch onto the first person that comes along. This may sound obvious to many, but those who find such a statement obvious and unnecessary should have accompanied me to some of the therapists who pretty much counseled me, the way I still see it, to latch onto the first person who came along and hold on for dear life.