Instead, she seemed cold and formal. as if she'd been put off by something about me. In this game, this is known as the curveball, and I had to see if I could hit the curve.
Was this about some woman at this business? She herself has started a family, so it's not about romantic attention to her. I ran through the usual suspects and scratched them all off. Did she think me rude? Let's see, she tried to break my heart last year, and she thinks me rude. Well, okay.
Then I thought about the last time she displayed this manner. In response I took down a snarky song I wrote about her that I'd posted on this blog, I put up a heartfelt post telling why I'd posted the song in the first place. Then it hit me. Her cold, distant manner was an attempt to get that kind of attention again. I'd basically rewarded her when she'd acted that way the first time. So, she wanted a kind and quality of attention from me that she couldn't get in more above-board ways.
Okay, young lady, here goes: I admit that my thoughts sometimes turn to you and that I'm somewhat fond of you. This in spite of your devious machinations towards me that began in September 2014- maybe because of your devious machinations. These machinations display an intelligence rarely seen in those of your gender. And, when the light hits your face in a certain way, you're almost pretty.