The most notable difference this time around resided in my concerted effort to refrain from trying to rebound or cash in in the wake of that transcendent moment. I cast off a couple or three would be player types with little effort, and in so doing demonstrated a willingness to come up with a different set of expectations as to what could happen as a result of me doing the good deed I did. The last thing I desire resides in the notion that I will just find some other lemon type to latch onto. Right now I stand prepared to cast off any situation with any woman if I find things too difficult. Right or wrong, I associate difficulty with failure.
It occurs to me that I really don't know of anyone else in the entirety of my adult life who experienced anything resembling these transcendent moments that I've experienced several times in my life. Therefore, maybe it falls upon me to write the rule book on how I proceed moving forward. A willingness to refrain from engaging with any woman, no matter how attractive I find them or how much I care for them, who presents a lot of difficulty to me may as well serve as the clearest path forward. Do you want to know why? Because I said so.