I will talk about someone in this paragraph that perhaps knows the last seductive withholder I had such a big problem with that I joined a support group in January 2022 while in the process of letting go of said seductive withholder. I will not say this person's name, or give much of any other identifying info on her. Therefore, any allegation that this post marks an attempt to embarrass this woman-who may or may not know my last seductive withholder-any allegation from ANYONE who tries to say I'm attempting to embarrass this possible friend of said seductive withholder, well, such an allegation is bullshit.
When I mentally test whether or not a post guards a private person's privacy sufficiently, I run my approach through the "cousin test." For example, If this young woman had a cousin in, say, Amarillo she was kind of close to, but not that close to, would this cousin, just randomly stumbling upon this post while surfing the web, would this cousin recognize who I am talking about just from the contents of this post? In my opinion, a hypothetical cousin of this young woman could not make such a connection just from reading this post. So there.
That said, this young woman seems to offer a weird kind of window into the soul of said seductive withholder. By that, I mean the expressions on this young woman's face and her overall demeanor compels me to think that I can see where I stand with said seductive withholder after one of these posts. Such an interpretation of this young woman's facial expressions might just constitute my seemingly bottomless capacity to project my own inner life onto those in my world. I'm aware of that. Okay?
So, what did I last see from this young woman that makes me want to write this post? The last expression I saw seemed to convey an angered determination to WITHHOLD any concessions from said seductive WITHHOLDER concerning my last post about ingratitude. Notice the use of the word WITHHOLD in that last sentence. Look! There's that word again: WITHHOLD. Yep, a classic seductive withholder move if I ever saw one. Yep, the very reason I let go of said seductive withholder in January of 2022 and never, ever looked back. Time to turn the page on her, I say. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, alleged-friend-of-said-seductive-withholder.