I written several times about my "standards" for who can get a date with me. I've said, several times, that if a woman is available, interested, and acts like she gives a shit about taking care of herself, that can get her at least one date with me. She DOESN'T have to be a twenty-two year old hottie to get at least one date with me. Okay?
But here's the thing, here's the flip side of those standards I have. As long as I make what I deem to be intelligent decisions about the twenty-two year old hotties in my world, I allow myself to make whatever decisions I want to make about any other type of woman in my world. If I don't feel like pushing the envelope in that direction, today, tomorrow, the day after that, or the day after the day after, I don't have to,. Even if those around me think my unwillingness to put myself out there socially to go on dates with these other types of women doesn't constitute intelligent decision making. Even if I myself question my reluctance to put myself out there socially for these other types of women at this time. I allow myself to make decisions about such women I or those around me might deem unwise now or at some later date.
Furthermore, I allow myself to reject whomever I feel like rejecting in the world of dating. I've written about this major problem I have with the attitude I detect among those around me that seems to imply that I, as an older man with a major mental illness, that I somehow don't have the same right to reject anyone I want to reject that your typical twenty-two year old hottie has. For some reason, lots and lots of people around me often don't seem to think I'm capable of acting in my own best interests in rejecting whomever I want to reject, for whatever reason, at any given time.
If a twenty-two year old hottie decided to reject a guy because he "creeped her out," or because he "made her uncomfortable," virtually NO ONE would likely question such a decision. The only people likely to question such a decision from a twenty-two year old hottie would be a close friend or relative of the guy who creeped her out. Other people around such a twenty-two year old hottie would just as likely say something like, "Yeah, your may be right about him. You know what? I have this cousin you might want to meet. I bet you'd really like him."
It's not that I don't want to go on dates, or have sex, or have a girlfriend these days. I simply don't feel like putting myself out there to try to get any of those things right now. Maybe I will feel like it soon enough, maybe I won't, but it's my decision to make and no one else's.