If all this former cashier and her buddies want to do is play games with me, then yeah, those games can work for a while. Quite a while, in some cases. However, at some point those games will stop working as a way to torment me. I totally experienced that with Chelsea. Those games Chelsea played with me stopped tormenting me when I realized that said games just reflected a pitiless, uncaring attitude towards me. And since those games just reflected that kind of attitude towards me, I didn't have to take her seriously as a love interest any more.
If that cashier does show up, say, six months from now, well, moving on is moving on. I don't think her appearance in my world six months from now would indicate that she would be someone I would have to take seriously as a love interest. Even after my realization about Chelsea, we still remained friends and would go on "friend zone" type dates. One time she suggested coming over to spend New Years Eve with me, just me and her at my house, watching TV. But she backed out and said she had to be at work too early the next day. After that, early on in the new year, I would take her back to her apartment after one of our dinner dates, and a couple of times she invited me in to hang out with her and watch TV. The problem with those two times resided in how freaked out her Dad's dog became with me in the apartment. She tried to shut the dog up in a bedroom, but his menacing growls proved too distracting for her, and she asked me to leave. On none of these three occasions, the aborted New Year's Eve date, or the two times with the dog in her apartment; on none of these occasions did I ever come back with any invitation to have her over to my house again to watch TV or anything like that. Dating her just didn't matter to me much at that point.