Furthermore, I think if that former cashier EVER had the inclination to look me up, my post about seductive withholders, and how I'm so willing to cut such a person loose; I think that sentiment could possibly encourage her to go ahead and see about me, perhaps. Now, I don't know if this person even lives in my town now, and I don't know anything else about this person, either. However, my writing what I wrote about seductive withholders would likely go a lot further with her than if I declared my undying, everlasting, forever and ever love and allegiance to her. She and just about anyone else would not know at all what to make of such a declaration, but she and just about anyone else could better relate to a person who was willing to let go of a love interest and situation with that love interest that dissatisfied them so.
Do I like this former cashier? Yes, I'd say I still like her. I'm curious enough to want to see her, but it's not as if my life would depend on seeing her again. Just as my post about seductive withholders might have resonated with her in a good way and cleared up some questions about what all I was thinking when I let her go a little over two years ago, I hope this post makes clear that I would like to talk to her and go out with her.
What I WON'T do is ask anyone in my world if they know her. I believe I've already given plenty of myself for the cause. There was the time when I asked her to my comic book sale in late October of 2021. Plus, lest anyone forget, when I again put myself out there and asked that woman at that one business if she knew her. That occurred in January of 2023, and I'm inclined to believe that young woman at that one business might have been lying about not knowing her. That guess of mine about that young woman lying does not encourage me to ask anyone in my world about her these days. If she has no interest in putting herself out there for my sake, so be it. Like I said, it's not as if my life depends on seeing her again.