And so I've come to realize that this same dynamic was, and still may be, in effect between myself and this former cashier at that grocery store I still patronize. As I developed as a man over the years, I found that I could touch a woman's heart in how I expressed my feelings for her. I learned to do this in a sustainable way starting with Sara in 1988. I may or may not have touched that former cashier's heart to the point where she now has a desire to express something to me. I can't say I know the answer to that. I haven't seen her in a month and a half.
I'm not about to make the claim that I somehow have touched her heart. The last time I made that claim, in about July of this year, I wound up feeling like a real asshole. Looking at some of the women in my world I associated with her, it seemed as if I'd missed the mark on that one. Now, I don't know. It might be something worth looking into. If she decides to not show up anymore, I hope she sees me in a kinder light than she appeared to see me in the past.